Sunday, March 10, 2013

Seaside School Half Marathon

Kasey and I dragged our families over to the panhandle for a fun weekend at Grandma Terry and Pepa's house for a Seaside Run! We all got in Friday night and visited a little. Saturday we cooked and mainly stayed indoors. It was a cold and windy weekend, the kind thats good for fireside chats-mainly what occurred! But on Sunday Kasey and I braved the cold wind and ran 13.1 miles on 30-A! It was beautiful and I gave my run to God and asked Him to speak to me! I learned just how much to be thankful for as I passed little kids cheering on the runners and a lady that shouted "Keep going! Just think about how you are such a good example for your children!" There was an old hippie playing "Ramble On" by Led Zepplin which made me thankful for my Lord of the Ring! And a restaurant blared out the theme song to Chariots of Fire. I thought to myself, "When I run, I feel God's pleasure!" Kasey had fast goals in mind and I just wanted to run on the beach, but we both PR'd! Kasey even came back for me so we could cross the finish together! I ran it in 1 hour and 53 minutes! Ten minutes faster than last year! Afterwards we collected our Vera Bradley bags, free bbq, beer and massages!

Home growing!

Some shots from around the house-artistic shower scene and bedtime giggles!

Last visits to Orlando on the annual pass!

We totaled up the times going to Orlando taking advantage of our annual passes and we went 22 times, bringing our admission fee to about $10 per visit! Being married to the most thrifty man in the world has its benefits! We stayed in a cheap little room and rested up to see as much as possible! Animal Kingdom on Friday and then Hollywood Studios on Saturday. Woody and Jessie ate pizza at Pizza Planet and we had a special class we signed up for first thing in the morning: Jedi training! Wil and Elsie both signed up but Elsie decided to support her jedi brother from the audience! We thought Wil would fight Darth Vader but to our surprise he fought valliantly against Darth Mal! We were so proud of our little Jedi! Temperatures started dropping real fast and we bundled up tight for the Fantasmic show at Hollywood Studios!

Valentines Day 2013

For Valentines day Flowers suggested all the princesses dress up in characther and the guys dress up like knights. I think Elsie enjoyed it a little more than Wil but he was a good sport! Now Elsie never wants to take off that soft dress-wants to wear it everyday!

Hogtown Medievil Fair 2013

This was the perfect year to get medievil on our families' hinies! The Hogtown Medievil Fair lasts two weekends and the first weekend, I invited all of my family and the second weekend, all of Jason's were invited. For Mom and Dad, they promised to come only if I dressed in character in my wedding dress-mom promised to keep up with the babies. That was a deal I couldn't turn down! Bill and Becky weren't able to bring their families but all of the Pitts made it! They came up for the day. Mom made wreaths for the girls and herself. Melanie dressed up like Snow White, Wil dressed up like the Black Knight-only we called him the Black Knave (he wore Jason's vest from the wedding) and Elsie dressed as a fairy princess. Katie hoisted up her wench knockers and I floated around like the princess I was! Even Brian wore his kilt and they put little "Scotty" (Devin) in one of Mel's skirts and called it a kilt! We all enjoyed the local brew and Mom really enjoyed the singers! Next weekend more fun rolled into town in the form of Ralph, Terry, Joe, and all of Jake's bunch! We exposed them to all the acts enjoyed last week and had a great time pretending we were whisked back in time! Jake made curry chicken for Jason's birthday and we had strawberry parfaits to celebrate Terry's birthday!

Open House

This is a post that combines official Flowers Montessori Open House day and when we opened our house for some family/company and just a little bit of Wil's art work! It was good to see how our kids are learning and they enjoyed giving me the tour of their beloved school! Wil is getting skilled at drawing animals like the snake and Dad's birthday card included a Tolkien inspired knight slaying a fire breathing dragon! Pepa, Grandma, Jessie, and Zayleigh enjoyed watching Isiac push the kids around in the tire swing!

Jason is 39 and holding!

Happy Birthday to our sweet Daddy! The kids bundled up to Eddie Vedder on tv as Dad got a workout in and later on we had a birthday feast! Crab stuffed salmon pinwheels, cous cous, stemed broccoli, coconut shrimp, crescent rolls and pineapple angelfood bday cake!